
Conserving: encouraging conscious purchases

The more, the better?

In terms of coziness, we certainly agree, but what about the amount of purchases we make? Nowadays we cannot escape the word "sustainability" and it is becoming increasingly important to make more conscious choices. This encourages us to consume less, or consume less. But how do you deal with it as a company?

Nothing more to (dis)buy?

No, consumerism certainly isn't. Reducing consumption increases your awareness of your purchases. So you go for more satisfaction with fewer material possessions.

This may sound woolly, but by choosing products or services that last longer you are also more content with what you have. Very nice for your wallet, but of course good for the world as well.

Responding to consumerism

As a company, do you want to do more with sustainable shopping? Then increase your customers' awareness and knowledge of this topic. Or introduce initiatives that contribute to this goal. Some ideas for this are:

  • Use transparent communication
  • Whatever sustainability measure you choose, make it clear what you are doing as a company. Think about material use, environmental impact, working conditions, and so on. By communicating openly about the steps you are taking toward sustainability, you increase consumer confidence and encourage them to make conscious choices.


  • Create educational content
    The right knowledge helps make better choices. By creating creative and educational content on your website and social media, you make customers aware, for example, about material use and environmental impact. Try to involve customers who also have an affinity for this.

    Tip: Use UCG content to effectively engage your target audience in consumerism.

  • Choose sustainable packaging and shipping options
    Shipping products can often be more sustainable, too. Consider using recycled packaging materials or a (free) service like click-and-collect. These sustainable shipping options encourage conscious choices during the checkout process.


  • Reward good behavior
    Encouraging consumerism can also be done by rewarding customers. For example, offer discounts if customers turn in reusable packaging, if they use recycling programs or give loyalty points that they can earn.

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