
Time On

Record working hours?

That should be easy to do according to timekeeping company Time On. Simplicity and user-friendliness are therefore paramount for them. But do these core values of their brand also come across well in their branding? We figured it out for them.

About Time On

Simple time tracking with a personal touch. With Time On's customized tool, professionals can track their hours efficiently. Whether you are self-employed or work in teams: with Time On you register your hours in no time.

At Time On, they understand the need for an easy-to-use time tracking tool. Because the time you spend tracking hours? It should be as flawless as possible. So you can focus on the tasks that really matter.

Keeping up with the times

Time On's core values are reliability, user-friendliness and a personal touch. However, their communication channels were still missing a professional look and feel to match. To better help their target group and grow along with their needs, they started a branding process with FindFactory. During this trajectory we worked on getting more balance between the desired identity and image of Time On.

Research and analysis

Without research, there is no good strategy. We always look at what is going on within a company, but also at factors outside the organization. During brand strategy sessions we examine together what a company does, how they do it and why.

For Time On, we analyzed the team, systems used, trends, competitors and target audience, among other things. This gives us a good overall picture of their identity and image.

Identity and image

Based on the analyses, we saw that Time On's visual identity looks young and playful. This is due to the use of bright colors and Pop Art in the corporate identity. However, this style is at odds with what they want to convey: safe, reliable and professional.

The desired image includes a more professional look, where the emphasis is on reliability and usability. By better aligning the desired identity and image, we ensure a consistent brand experience.

The results

Before continuing the brand strategy with a brand concept, we compile all the findings and advice. We summarize all outcomes in SWOT analysis so everyone can see at a glance what we are going to work on. We share all findings in a joint presentation.

A few points we could address were:

  • Online content

The website and social media channels contained little additional and relevant content. So we saw opportunities here to increase online visibility.

  • Corporate identity

The current corporate identity is not consistently applied and contains young and playful elements. Recognizable and recurring features create a more continuous corporate identity.

  • Personal touch

Time On does not display personal elements on the website, such as information about the team or references to their social media. More personal contact and (temporary) feedback forms contribute to more engagement and a personal touch.

From Pop to Professionals

A clear corporate identity gives more peace of mind and contributes to professionalism. Our Creation Team went to work on a minimalist, yet striking and cheerful style with more balance between color and form. This connects better with target audiences and provides a pleasant user experience.

Strengthening consistency

With the implementation of an updated corporate identity and a well-thought-out brand strategy, Time On has taken an important step toward a consistent and professional brand image.

The core values - reliability, user-friendliness and a personal touch - are now more firmly in place across all communication channels. This not only contributed to improvement in brand perception, but also increased online visibility and brand consistency.

Time to spin your branding wheels, too?

Project Manager Amber resets the clock and is happy to think with you. | 013 82 00 164

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